Major update for Ishigaki

in  software
Pete Birkinshaw by Pete Birkinshaw
Possibly the best Shibboleth IdP container is updated


A major new version of Ishigaki is now available on Github and Docker Hub. Ishigaki is probably the best Shibboleth IdP base container for use with Docker, Kubernetes and other container services, and is available for both AMD64 and ARM64 platforms.

Changes include:

  • The latest stable Shibboleth IdP release 4.3.1, Jetty 10, Debian 11 and Corretto Java 17.

  • Jetty logging has been improved and Jetty no longer forks on startup, saving a tiny amount of time and a significant amount of RAM.

  • The associated tests have been tweaked and now use Cinc Auditor.

You can read more about Ishigaki on its Github Readme.